You might have seen some Family Tree employees’ pronouns listed in their email signature and on their business cards. Do you wonder why we do this?
Diversity/inclusiveness are important values at Family Tree. Especially for serving all people in the Denver metro area. Encouraging a safe environment for employees to identify preferred pronouns is one step to creating an inclusive environment.
Pronouns are often used when talking about a person. When speaking of a person we often use pronouns such as “he” when addressing a man or “she” when you are addressing a woman, but there are many different pronouns people identify with. Making sure you are using someone’s preferred pronoun is one way to demonstrate respect and inclusivity. Assuming a person’s pronouns based on their appearance, personality or name isn’t always correct and can imply that you have to look or act a certain way in order to represent a specific gender.
Individuals at Family Tree have the option to publish their pronouns in their email signatures and business cards. Sharing your own pronouns can help encourage others to share theirs. Family Tree strives to create a space where people feel safe and comfortable. Respecting others by using their preferred pronouns is important as we help people overcome child abuse, domestic violence and homelessness to become safe, strong and self-reliant.
To learn more check out, MyPronouns.org.