“Victoria had been in and out of foster care growing up. She didn’t want to enforce rules on her daughter, even though she was struggling with challenging tantrums and defiant behavior. As we worked through sessions in the parent-child interactions topic, Victoria was surprised to learn she could give out positive consequences. She was pleasantly surprised by the outcomes as she established rules for her home, provided positive consequences and saw a decrease in her daughter’s tantrums.” -SafeCare Colorado Parent Support Provider
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Family Tree will be participating in many events to promote child abuse prevention efforts and raise awareness in our communities.
An ongoing effort to prevent child abuse is Family Tree SafeCare. This program aims to prevent child abuse or neglect by supporting families with young children to keep their families safe and healthy. Family Tree SafeCare builds on the existing skills that parents and caregivers already have in the areas of: home safety, child health and parent-child interactions. Family Tree SafeCare staff works every day with our families to create safe, healthy and happy homes for their children.
The above story is representative of the impactful changes that parents experience when they participate in Family Tree SafeCare. We often hear from parents that they wish kids came with a manual. Family Tree SafeCare works with parents and caregivers to provide them with information and skills they can use on a daily basis as their children grow. If you or a family you know, has a child aged birth to five, and may be interested in receiving free, in home, parenting support please reach out to Family Tree SafeCare to learn more.
Kids or not - we invite you to participate in National Child Abuse Prevention Month! Whether you would like to attend an event, or give your support on social media, there are many things you can do in the month of April.
#WearBlue Day, April 5th
This is a day dedicated to creating awareness for, and celebrating child abuse prevention efforts nationwide. Wear blue and tell others why you are doing so. On social media you can upload a photo and use the #WearBlue hashtag.
During the month of April, Prevent Child Abuse Colorado works with partners across the state on the #PinwheelsforPrevention Campaign. The Pinwheels campaign is focused on promoting the #greatchildhoods that all children deserve and engaging individuals, businesses, and communities in joining together to build strong families and prevent child maltreatment.
Follow Family Tree’s Facebook to see us planting pinwheel gardens at all of our locations!
Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline
If you have any concerns for the safety and well-being of a child please call: 1-844-CO-4-KIDS. Anyone witnessing a child in a life-threatening situation should call 911.